Support UniverSOUL Hip Hop to bring transformative, soul-centered dance performances and education programs into academic and community spaces to cultivate experiences that transform culture and restore the human spirit and family.

UniverSOUL Hip Hop  is a humble company with big heart, impact, and reach. We stay true to the human-centered values and movement of Hip Hop to empower people with joy, expression, empathy, and belongingness. Originating from inner-city youth and rooted in the African diaspora, this cultural practice gives a voice and family to all people of any background, particularly from BIPOC and marginalized communities. It is a safe haven and testimony of expressive liberation and a vision to heal, connect, and thrive. UniverSOUL Hip Hop was created from the community and continues to represent and serve the community. Your support will allow us to strengthen our infrastructure, sustain our missionary work, and increase the scope and creative potential of our programs. 

Witness the Transformative Power of Hip Hop/Street Dance As UniverSOUL Hip Hop Celebrates 10 Years of Performance and Activism at the Renowned Culver City Ivy Substation!

Part TED talk, part dance theater, and overflowing with an unfailing love, this theatrical show will unite Los Angeles families for a day of HOPE and JOY. The multimedia experience will begin with a “roots to fruits” memoir of the company’s first decade – an unfolding story of a UniverSOUL family formed through battles and called to a mission. Audience members “enter the cypher” of a collective journey to transform culture through the vibrant expression of Hip Hop/Street dance and activate their inner child while following the characters on a SOULful quest filled with struggle, awakening, and ultimately – H.O.P.E.

The evening performance will culminate in a post-show discussion, followed by a birthday party with a live DJ where all are invited to mingle and dance.

All ages & levels are welcome!

TICKETS available here
Sliding scale ($15-$50)

About the Company 

UniverSOUL Hip Hop is a multicultural group of authentic and socially engaged dance practitioners with a mission to bring transformative, SOUL-centered dance into diverse communities. Our performances and programs reach over 100 schools and 10,000 audience members each year through partnerships including The Music Center, Segerstrom Center for the Arts, and LA County school districts. We pursue community, justice and JOY through Hip Hop with a vision to cultivate experiences that transform culture and restore the human spirit and family. 

International, award-winning practitioners blend the creativity of Hip Hop with the rigor of standards-based pedagogy to provide dynamic dance. With the mission to “bring soul into education”, our residencies, performances, and workshops utilize artistic expression and social dance practices (“cyphers”) to cultivate self-discovery, cultural exchange, and social fellowship.

Educational Programming

About the Director: 

Tiffany “Jimini” Bong is an internationally acclaimed and award-winning Hip Hop dance artist, educator, entrepreneur, and community leader.  She draws on her extensive experience in arts education and active involvement in Hip Hop/Street dance culture to bring community-centered programs and pedagogy into learning institutions. Bong is a  is an Assistant Professor of Practice at the USC Glorya Kaufman School of Dance, master teaching artist for The Music Center of Los Angeles County, and an arts education consultant for arts agencies throughout the nation. A SOUL-cial activist and cultural enthusiast at heart, she continues to support the authentic preservation and progression of Hip Hop, particularly as a powerful agent for restoration, awareness, and change.

Please visit our website to learn more about UniverSOUL Hip Hop.

To make a contribution by check:

Checks should be made out to “Dance Resource Center” with “UniverSOUL Hip Hop” on the memo line.

Mailing Address:
3773 Crenshaw Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90016


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